UKI Compliance Ideas Portal

MTD - Automatic submission button for every quarter

Automatic submission button for every quarter, that would submit all of the clients.

Assumption that we and the client are checking every month, then using AI to automate could be a working suggestion

Having an automatic submission button for every quarter would save over 15 minutes per client , if 15 minutes is the approx. time to log into a client and then do the submission.

As we don’t have all the facts from HMRC I am trying to have a solution that could work for everyone

So if I had 100 clients it would save 25 hours, 200 clients it would save 50 hours and so on

Not sure what software this will be processed through. Line 50 / Personal Tax or APA

  • Robert Wilson
  • Feb 18 2025
  • We're Taking A Look At This