HMRC Guide states:
Please give us the following details in ‘Any other information’ on page TR 7: • details of your pension or annuity payer and your reference number • your PAYE reference • the payment before tax and the amount of tax taken off.
This is not being extracted for the return.
Good afternoon,
I can see that whilst you are able to enter this information in the 'Other Pension Income' data entry area, and that it output in theReport PDF, This is not being populated into the TR 7 (box 19).
The current solution would be to select the pencil icon at the top of the page and type the details here to show them on TR7.
I will raise this withthe team to see if we can automate the populatyion of TR7 in a future update.
Steve Cartlidge
Good afternoon, I have esclated for the team to review.