UKI Compliance Ideas Portal

Splitting out Tangible Assets on Notes

at the moment all assets are grouped together - some clients like to see a split ie. plant & Machinery; Fixtures & Fittings etc

  • Amanda Roche
  • Jul 15 2024
  • We're Taking A Look At This
  • Val Ayres commented
    11 Feb 12:26


    This in relation to Limited Companies

    Val Ayres

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  • Admin
    Steven Cartlidge commented
    10 Feb 11:49

    Thank you for raising the Idea.

    To assist can you please provide any addtional information which may relate to this idea.

    • If this is relevant to a specific client type (Sole trade, partnership etc)

    • If this is relating to any specific complinace pack (FRS102, FRS015 etc)

    • If the idea relates specifically to members accounts or also comanies house accounts

    If this is regarding a customisation or name change, exactly where or what you are wishing to change.


    Steve Cartlidge